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Hordes - Farrow pig army

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Hordes - Farrow pig army

Postby paulson games » Sun Feb 20, 2011 3:02 pm

I posted this up on bartertown, ebay charges too damn much nowdays.

Anyways here's a list of stuff that I have available

Models (w cards):
Lord Carver
Dr Arkadeus
Rorsch & Brine
x3 war hog
x3 gun boar
x21 farrow brigands (2 are leaders)
x6 Bone grinders (1 is leader)
x3 razor back w spotter
Viktor Pendrake
Saxon Orrik

Hordes primal MK2
Minnions book
Legion of everblight book

I also have these two brand new in the box:

I'm looking to sell the stuff for 30% off the retail, if anyone wants the whole lot I'd sell it for $450 (this also includes shipping) Retail value is roughly $675.

Trying to thin out some of my minis stuff as I don't have time to be gaming much anymore.
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paulson games
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