So, moving right along... I actually didn't want to post about this guy before I wrapped up the Brass Scorpions for fear that people wouldn't take me seriously if they knew how many projects I had going on at once without seeing some of them actually being wrapped up in a timely fashion - so sorry to get on with this log after the model is already well on its way.
A couple notes - for anybody else who wants to build An'ggrath I'd recommend attaching all the small spikes and bits to the larger parts before assembling the larger parts (legs, torso, wings, etc) - I built the main parts first and it was a pain butting the small stuff on afterwords. There is some green stuffing necessary, but the texture around the gaps are so rough it is child's play to make it look good. I added the most green stuff around the wings' attachment points, as well as securing the join with some pins. It is such a natural way to pick up and hold/move the model (considering all the spikey bits one can impale oneself on on the main body), so it needs to be strong.
I also decided not to attach the whip - they will be attached with long pins that hold them in place, but without any glue. If they get glued, they will snap at some point when playing with this model (or more specifically transporting it), so I wanted to make sure they could simply be pulled out of its hand and stored separately. BTW, the base will be replaced with a more appropriate 100mm round base at a later date, so nothing much will be done to that.
This is a commission piece for the same army as the Brass Scorpions of Khorne, so it will get a similar treatment of washes and drybrushes to keep the painting workload effective in terms of time and result. It only took me an hour to put the model together, and so far I've only spent about an hour and half painting it. I don't think I'll need more than another 2-3 hours to wrap him up, but we'll see over the next few days.
I'll also snap some pictures during daylight so there is actually something meaningful to look at...