Centurion Update 12
Posted by Mangozac on September 11, 2013It’s been a bit of a delay since the last update – things have been pretty insanely busy lately. I have been making some slow progress but only now had a chance to post it.
You can see I’m getting some serious torso work done now. The torso armour is progressing nicely – just needs the rest of the banding done, then I’ll add some embellishments and it’ll be complete.
I’ve also started blocking out the rear of the torso. You can see here the basic shape of the reactor which protrudes from the rear. It still has a lot of work to go which will add heaps of visual interest. I should have grabbed a side profile shot to show just how it protrudes. I’ll admit that this was a bit inspired by the furnace on the back of Warjack models. The vents shown either side of the reactor are still very much WIP and need to be built up a little around the outside.
This next shot shows the progress on details underneath the torso and with the torso armour removed. Those two rings are the attachment points for the armour. I have a bunch of details lined up to bulk out that area (the stuff that the torso armour will be protecting). Again, still lots of details to add here…
That’s pretty much up to date. I’m not planning to finish any particular area first – I just move around as I go/when I’m waiting for putty or glue to cure. Actually, I’ll probably get stuck in and putty up the rest of the large gaps around the shoulder cylinders next. That will include the surfaces to which the shoulder armour will attach.
Stay tuned!