BFG Admech Spear Prow

Posted on 15 Jun 2011 by in Space Ships

To say that I’m not a fan of the stock Adeptus Mechanicus prow design would be an understatement. My mate Zelnik feels the same way and he somehow managed to talk me into doing up a new prow design that we could use on our Admech cruisers. I figured I’d do it to suit the plastic Imperial cruiser also so I could further spice up my fleet.

I also decided that this would be a good opportunity to document the process for use in an upcoming Warp Rift article. I’ll share a couple of pictures here but the rest (and a worded description of the process) will have to wait until the next Warp Rift issue.

I’m about two thirds of the way through the project at the moment. The prow weapons will be mounting asymmetrically into a big hole scalloped out of one side of the prow. Since I wanted to do a couple of variants and not risk damage to the original part, I decided the best idea was to cast the blank prow and then do the mods to the casts. I’ve just done a couple of casts so the next step is to start doing the mods. All will feature a lot of antennae and sensor masts pointing forward (again only on one side to maintain asymmetry).

2 Responses to “BFG Admech Spear Prow”

  1. Commissar-Krad Says:

    Those are nice and sleek and while I do like the Ad. Mech prows, I really like these. Nice work.

  2. Mangozac Says:

    Thanks mate. Keep an eye on this space for when I add the weapons features to the cast copies 😉

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